23/03/74 - 26/03/24

Thanks for coming to view Sarah's memorial page. From time to time we will be updating the page with photos, links and memories so please pop back every now and again to see what's been added. Also we'd love you all to continue to add your own photos, memories and stories.

We would like to thank all of you who attended the celebration of Sarah's life on the 11th April. I'm sure all of you present at either the Crematorium or the Whitaker will agree that Stuart, our celebrant, did a fantastic job and that Percy's video tribute was beautiful. Sarah certainly would have approved! For those unable to attend the Whitaker the link below will take you to the video tribute (unfortunately without Stuart's words but we hope to have those in print on here soon). 

Sarah Video (Password = sarah)

*If it says error just refresh the page*

*You may need to sign up to Vimeo if you aren't already, but its free*

Also many thanks to all you lovely folk who have sent cards, words of comfort and lots of gorgeous plants, bushes and trees for Sarah's garden. We will post some photos once the garden is up to (hopefully) Sarah's standards! 



As you may already be aware, Tim is running a three race challenge in Edinburgh (AKA The Triple) in Sarah's memory for Maggies cancer support. For details of the races see the 'Events' section on this page or to donate money / sponsor Tim please click here.


As you will likely know, music formed a huge part of Sarah's life and it continues to keep bind her to us.

For the seven pieces of music at both the crematorium and the Whitaker, click on th elink below to listen on spotify



Here is Ella's playlist of tracks which remind her of Sarah



Here is Tim's top 20 Sarah playlist



Enjoy thinking of Sarah B and basking in the love.

Call back soon.


Love to all.


Tim and Family



There are no events scheduled at the moment.


Help grow Sarah's Tribute by adding messages or memories you'd like to share.